The photo report

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How to quickly create a photo report

Let’s make it simple. You need to make the photo report. Some work you did needs to be shared. Is it hard to describe the site you encounter? The final effect won’t do the favor of the amount of work you put in? Or maybe you need to fix someone else work? Whatever the reason is – you already have everything you need for a photo report. Let see what we have.

How does the app work? From the start, you have updated: an address, the timeline, job title, and description. Above all, you collected before and after photos. That is all you’ll need for the photo report. The last thing you’ll need is to share. It’s that simple. When you have all you need, we want to keep this simple. After you select your medium – you’ll have time to edit the text. Misspelling? You want to add more to the report than just notes. Go ahead.

before and after photo report

Just one click

Share. After hard work, don’t spend more time than you have to. Just generate the report.

Full work report

Summarize all the work. From the main screen or the job page, you can share your record. Use the professional way and generate a report quickly.

Detailed photo report

Send everywhere

The best part comes with sharing. Building a photo report is easy. Only one left – choose the preferred channel. Is it the mail? Or do you want to use social media?

easily create a photo report app

Step by step: How to easily create a photo report

Are you just starting and want to make a photo report? Use the simple app to generate a photo report in minutes. First of all, select interesting photos and upload before and after images. Remember to create a consistent story with your photo report. For example: choose any image you could use at the inspection. At the start, you included the construction site – don’t forget to add after photos.

The next step in creating the photo report, fill in all notes you need to make the description. Save any updates you make along the way. The app is all about the most efficient way to document your work. So we made it simpler. You can make documentation as you go. Add or edit text on the spot. 

You already have your project in one place, so you can share the results with whoever you want. How much you are sharing depends on you. After you choose a medium to share, you can edit or delete text and photos. The best part is that you don’t need to have instruction. Do you want to use e-mail? Choose that option, and you’ll see a draft ready to send.

What we have in plan for the app – a PDF photo report. For now, Job Done uses already installed applications. After one click, you can quickly generate a photo report directly to mail draft or any social media. We want to grow. So we are planning to add an option for PDF. 

generate full photo report app

The full photo report vs. the detailed photo report

You have one project but multiple options for reports. When everything is in place, you don’t need to create many documents. We prepared two ready-to-use templates. Choose one that fits your needs: share all or choose one photo. Let see what the difference is. 

A full photo report is a powerful tool if you want to share your work progress. The app combines all your photos from the project screen with the following fields: job title and job description. Use it when you want to share the results of your work.

Check your entries if you need to update them. Then generate a report directly from the job screen. You can also slide project preview at the main screen to use the quick share option.

A detailed photo report is a feature that enables highlighting the particular image. It combines a single photo with your corresponding comments. You can have quality assurance when it comes to claims. Use it whenever you need to focus on a particular spot. 

Click on the image to edit text (photo title and notes), then use sharing option to generate your report. For example: send an e-mail or upload your record for verification. 

Why is it important to have photo reports?

Sometimes this is a requirement. And there is a good reason for that. You can rely on photos or your words. It’s much easier to have a backup plan. Everyone is using the same consistent photo report, and it’s even easier to compare. And there is more.

Save valuable time. Now, you can quickly create one project and automatically generate photo reports as you need them – no more, no less. There is no need to spend more time than you need. That’s why professional tools optimize work. 

Use photo preview to see the work progress. Verify with the client for clarification. Quickly update teammates. The possibility is endless.

Create your photo report today with the Job Done free iOS and Android app.

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